News Coverage

      This news feed has been specifically divided into video and newspaper material for easier access.  Below you will discover all video material related to this project and newspaper coverage can be found on the right hand side.   In terms of video coverage, we were asked to do an interview with CTV News's Todd Van der Heyden to explain what we hope to achieve on our day of Public Advocacy on Feb 23rd, 2011.

This day of Public Advocacy was a method of raising awareness about the travesty happening with LaFontaine's Mansion.  We stood outside the Mansion with a group of people in order to try and garner attention from the public. The purpose of such events are not to invoke a change in that instance, yet they will slowly chip away at the barriers which are blocking this Mansion from being restored. We thank everyone who came out that day to advocate and hopefully one day the dream becomes a reality.

The interview in itself was a method of raising awareness about this historical residence, so we would like to thank CTV and Todd Van der Heyden for showing interest in our efforts. The second video was taken on our day of advocacy at the LaFontaine mansion by Montreal reporter and columnist Kristian Gravenor, who is very knowledgeable about the history and politics of Montreal and uploaded the interview on his blog Coolopolis.

Coolopolis can be access here:

 The newspaper coverage of this project can be found on the side bar. Among these is an article written by the Montreal Gazette journalist, Andy Riga.  The Montreal Metro, a French daily newspaper, also covered the project in short detail. Most recently the project was covered by Concordia's very own independently owned newspaper The Link, and we would like to thank them, and reporter Celia St-Croix in particular, for coming to support in our efforts of advocacy.


Overdale Lot in the Works to be Sold!!

17/04/2011 23:10
In a recent article published in the Gazette by Allison Lambert ,she stated that Robert Landau the owner of the Overdale lot in which the LaFontaine mansion stands is in the works to sold.  Hopefully the city officals and government will step in on this matter.  Read more...

The Link Newspaper Article

11/03/2011 22:06
Fresh Eyes on an Old House Fighting to Protect Lafontaine’s Mansion Celia Ste Croix — March 1, 2011 | No Comments You’ve probably seen that Heritage Minute spot on TV where Baldwin and Lafontaine fight for responsible government in the 1800s. You know—responsible government, where...

MÉTRO MONTREAL Newspaper Article

31/01/2011 21:43
Here's the link to yet another newspaper that mentions our project. Despite certain inaccuracies, such as the number of students working on this project, we can't complain about getting more attention. Today's Metro Montreal Newspaper.

Our Project is Mentioned on The Gazette Website

29/01/2011 16:09
We've generated some interest from The Gazette! Read more here.

Website Under Construction

28/01/2011 23:23
Hello everyone, We will quickly be getting this website underway so you will have the most up to date information about the Mansion. We will try to update this site with current events and any news we hear about the mansion. Hope you also enjoy the historical information as well which we will...